Saturniids Pluck at Your Heartstrings with 90s-Era New Single, “Springtime”

Fri Apr 02, 2021

What is here today can be gone tomorrow: alt-rock quintet Saturniids beautifully capture the poetic pain of mortality with this, their new single, “Springtime”.

In it, the Boston-based rockers display their understanding of life’s fragility with unyielding conviction; the three-minute-thirty-two-second ode to loved ones now-lost comes beautifully packaged in an enrapturing blend of alternative rock and string sections, which tug gently on the listener’s emotions.

To quote the lyrics: “Springtime, I keep losing my friends and family, too. It’s so strange. Beauty mixed with such pain I can’t reconcile,” is an all-too-real depiction of feelings we inevitably face when the connection between two individuals — whether it be friendship, family or love is cut short.

Check out “Springtime” on YouTube here: