Montreal-Based Turbine's New Single “Reality” Invents a New Universe Through Turntablism and Bass

Fri May 19, 2023

“Reality,” the newest single from Montreal-based trio Turbine, alters the perception of the tangible human dimension as we know it. Check it out on YouTube here:

 “When we started working on the ‘Reality’ track, we were looking for a track that would close our show and reach a sort of climax with a peak of intensity,” the trio reflected. 

Through advanced scratching techniques and fueled bass builds, the trio invents a new liquid reality, complete with a vocalist interspersing “reality” throughout the two-and-a-half-minute run time. Turbine’s passion lies within the scope of turntablism and saturated beats. While they don’t categorize themselves as DJs, instead a band that thrives during live performances, they do acknowledge their innate ability to create a new world through scratching and spinning.