2024 ECMA Winner Gina Burgess Captures The Hibernation State of Magical Worlds With "Kingsburg Blues" from Her New Album ISNOW

Fri May 17, 2024

There’s nothing all that bluesy or melancholy about “Kingsburg Blues,” the new single by 2024 ECMA Fusion Recording Of The Year for Anuri, Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia)-based Gina Burgess, although it is indeed haunting. Instead, the song, which blends psychedelic elements with Celtic and Inuit roots, takes us into a magical and mischievous fairy world shimmering with fireflies and secrets. Check it out on YouTube here:

 There’s only one lyric to the song: “And how long does it take for a rose to bloom and die?” But that lyric allows an entry point into that November day in Nova Scotia when Burgess was first inspired to write “Kingsburg Blues.”