In 2023, streaming is abundant. It has its pros: reach, convenience, cost. But what streaming offers in ease it lacks in intimacy. There is no medium more suited for such than vinyl.
Of the many musical genres the world over, jazz and blues remain among the most intimate. Quality blues records never lose their mystique, aging like wine through every era. Tapes, CDs, and streaming cut into vinyl’s market, but nothing can put it to bed.
That’s part of why Maple Blues Band is so excited about the vinyl version of its latest album, “Let’s Go.” The Toronto outfit’s 10-track project was released in January through Cordova Bay Records. It has since climbed to the No. 1 spot on Roots Music Report’s Canadian Chart while residing on the list for 27-straight weeks. It has earned itself quite the reputation, and lovers of jazz can now enjoy the band’s suave grooves through timeless means; its vinyl unveiling provides listeners with the art in its purest form.