Hamilton Rocker Andrew Irving Releases Heartfelt Tribute “Hometown Heroes” Honouring First Responders

Fri Jun 21, 2024

Andrew Irving, the multi-faceted singer and songwriter from Hamilton, Ontario, has announced the release of his newest single “Hometown Heroes”.

Inspired by two of his lifelong friends, a firefighter, and a police officer, Hometown Heroes honours the courage and dedication of first responders who work tirelessly to make our world a safer place. This touching song spotlights the many everyday heroes whose selfless actions and unwavering commitment improve the quality of life in our communities.

“Movies and TV shows have taught us to admire superheroes”, Irving explains. “But we don't often enough think about the heroes that surround us in our day-to-day lives, in our cities and our hometowns."

When Irving and his longtime collaborator, Mike McCormick, first experimented with a new chord structure and ambient guitar riff, they realized they had created something exceptional. This uniquely epic sound called for an equally epic theme.

“And the result of this collaboration was Hometown Heroes”, Irving proudly proclaims. “It’s a song that not only celebrates first responders but also encourages everyday acts of love and kindness.”