They call their music Crockpop (Country/Rock/Pop).
After just having released their single ‘Bus Stop (waiting for a train)’ this dynamic duo is at it again. A new uplifting song about moving forward, never to let anyone else put you down or deter you from what you want to achieve.
With the stubbornness of a fool, with the synergy of these two and the belief that anything is possible, they now invite you to board their Crockpop train where Sky Is The Limit. This is also their title track for the upcoming album to be released this fall.
Check out Sky is the Limit on YouTube here:
Bara Jonson and Free is actually living proof that the Sky is the Limit. Close to four years ago they took a chance, paid a small fortune for working musicians, they came all the way from Rinkaby, Sweden to Burin Peninsula, Newfoundland to perform at a showcase festival. It resulted in them forming lifelong relationships with some of the most influential people in the music business.
Listen to Spotify here:

It also led to them performing at the prestigious MIDEM festival in Cannes, France in 2019, after signing a representative marketing deal with Entertainment Music Music Group Canada. They were signed based on the attention garnered from their song ‘Hello Newfoundland’ which held a #1 position for 8 straight weeks on the international charts due to their extended Canadian fan base.
Being invited to perform in Toronto, Canada, Bara Jonson and Free were nominated ‘Best Emerging Artist – International’ at Indie Week Showcase Festival in Toronto, Canada (Nov. 15-17 2019) then they were selected and announced INES#Talent 2020-21.
They recently performed at their own self-created festival Lilla By Festivalen, with the debut of this new album being the focus of the one-day event. Complete with lighting/special effects and an acrobatic dance performance the album is aptly named as Sky is the Limit!
The duo has become a frequent feature on the live stages around Sweden. Their tours have also reached into Denmark, Holland, Germany, UK and Canada.
Future appearances in 2023 include Bulgaria and a return visit to their second home, Canada.
For more on Bara Jonson and Free visit: