If you're fortunate enough to grow old, things begin to happen and you begin to ask yourself simple questions, like “did I leave my keys in my wallet or in my car? Did I leave my wallet in my car or at home? Did I leave my dentures in my car or in my wallet?” Time remains undefeated after all. But for Whiskey Jack, the process of aging has provided inspiration for their latest whimsical toe-tapper "O L D."
"O L D" was inspired in early 2024 when singer and guitarist Douglas John Cameron was chatting one day with his old pal Steve Hunter. During the discussion, Cameron had a momentary brain lapse and forgot something. "It looks like you've got the O L D," Steve quipped with a laugh. The apt response was the creative spark for the single. "I just wrote about everything that was happening around me at the time -- losing keys, doctor appointments, and pickleball," Cameron says. "The song wrote itself."