When words fail, symbolism takes over. And West Vancouver indie poppers Focus Your Audio know a thing or two about symbolism, having just filmed a video that proves its emotional power in a stunning 360 degrees.
Their clip for “The Long Goodbye” is an extended visual metaphor for the ravages of dementia, as represented by a living room that’s progressively being stripped of its contents. Band members Sarah Stewart and Bobby McAloney perform the song’s poignant lamentation while the camera spins slowly around them; each time it completes another cycle; more knick-knacks and pieces of furniture are missing. All the while, the lighting grows dimmer, like a mind slowly losing track of its inventory. Amid that unfolding portrait of involuntary surrender, Stewart’s repeated refrain acts like a plea against the inevitable: “Stay with me tonight.”
The Long Goodbye
There are times in one's life when you realize life is precious, time is precious, and memories, despite illnesses that can make them disappear, can last forever. For Vancouver-Based duo Focus Your Audio -- Bobcaygeon, Ontario singer Sarah Stewart and Coquitlam, BC musician Bobby McAloney -- those feelings are vividly captured in the hauntingly precious single "The Long Goodbye." It's a gorgeous, tear-inducing effort detailing the topic of dementia and how difficult it is to see loved ones gradually slip away.
Although universal in its empathy, Stewart says the song was inspired by her nursing career and meeting a special elderly woman who was diagnosed w progressive dementia. “’The Long Goodbye' was written about an incredible woman, someone whose details I didn't want to lose," she says. "This song was based on a single mother who beat all odds, attended medical school in the '60s, and went on to have an incredible impact on the world around her."
Listen on Spotify here: open.spotify.com/track/6abVxlgspK7F8JKp1isuzB
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