Canadian Music Industry Icon David Farrell Passes Away Leaving a Remarkable Legacy

Fri Dec 20 2024
David Farrell Photo Credit Bill King

David Farrell was a pal, a confidante, and a consummate craftsman of words. He was a visionary editor whose passion for music and storytelling transformed Canadian journalism. Much like the finest musicians he celebrated, David possessed an innate rhythm and flow in his writing, weaving narratives that struck at the heart of our shared cultural experience.

I often nudged him to write more. "Do that book," I’d say. The skill, clarity, and tone in his columns were something to marvel at. Recently, he asked me to locate as much of his work as possible. A good amount was available on FYI Music News, but it was the earlier work he was most concerned with. I understand why. There’s gold in those memories—the kind that sparkles brightest when unearthed. Sadly, time was never an ally in organizing those treasures into a book or hunting down the rest.