How does an act from Sweden take a chance and go to a Live at Heart Festival on a Peninsula named Burin in Canada’s Newfoundland, write a song and end up on the Swedish Independent Music Chart 10 weeks in a row in a # 1 position, thanks to the fans (who are now friends) that they met there?
This is what Bara Jonson and Free did. “We rented a car, drove through torrential rain, landed in the middle of nowhere at the Marystown Hotel and suddenly you feel like you came ‘home’? There is no explaining it, but that is what happened to us.”
So they went back to Sweden and immediately wrote “Hello Newfoundland” and their newly found friends embraced it.
The release of the video included all of the amazing people who forged the road to these lifetime memories and also featured Tale The Rapper.
Watch ‘Hello Newfoundland’ here:
So next up this creative and talented team tackled producing a video for an existing song, “Fairytale Me”. Why the name ‘Fairytale Me’?
“We were looking for a specific expression that defined the situation in the song when we realized that, as far we could find, there was none. So we had to make one up ourselves; “fairytale me” ... or more specifically... “don’t fairytale me” in the meaning of: “don’t put me in a fairytale. This would fall into the same “family” of expressions as “don’t judge me” or “walk a mile in my shoes”, but in the sense of painting a too pretty picture on how someone’s life is, without really knowing all the facts. Sometimes a glamorous façade conceals a tragedy.”
“This story is about a woman who, from the outside looking in, seemed to have it all; a beautiful home, a happy family and a successful life.”

Bara Jonson and FreeFun facts: Bara Jonson and Free named the book in the video: Synergy – The stories as if all our songs from Synergy – The Album are in there.
Cashbox asked about the making of Fairytale Me. “ We did almost everything ourselves. Two months of hard work... mostly because we, as independent musicians, don’t have anyone who make it for us... we have no choice but to do it ourselves, learn different software tools to create our visions. With a fool’s stubbornness, “ they laughingly said, “and with the help of some instruction videos on YouTube, we actually found the way to make it work. We think that the storybook theme works very well for this song, ‘Fairytale Me’. In addition to the title, the song has a folksy feel to it with stirring music and evocative lyrics.”
This breathtaking video is over 4 minutes of superb production, amazing presentation and a great song to start with, so I am sure you will be just as mesmerized by it as I was the first time I saw it. (and the many, many more times after that.)
Watch ‘Fairytale Me’here:
Bara Jonson and Free are heading back to Canada in May to attend Canadian Music Week, and will be performing in the Toronto area after being in Newfoundland just prior to that date, to once again be able to entertain for their friends in Newfoundland.
They are also on an Official Showcase at Morrison’s sanctioned by MIDEM June 4-7 in Cannes, France.
Bara Jonson and Free maybe from Sweden but Canada loves them like their own!
For more about Bara Jonson and Free visit:
Twitter: @barajonsonfree
Instagram: barajonsonandfree