Their journey into a personal and musical relationship with Canada began in Newfoundland in 2019. Appearing on a showcase festival, the Newfies embraced them and the birth of the song “Hello Newfoundland” was a tribute to the people there which resulted in another tour and lifelong relationship. (And an official Kissing of the Cod Ceremony to make them both honourary Newfies!)
The new song “Knock Knock” is a follow-up song to “Hello Newfoundland” and is sure to be once again embraced by Newfies everywhere as well as the strong fan base they have established in the last few years.
Newfoundland is also where they met Sandy Graham, Canadian music industry icon, who immediately signed them to Entertainment Music Group Canada. This company has now morphed into EMG Collectives, a newly formed global entity of which they are major participants.
Travelling to all parts of the world had them meet up with Dance Plant Records out of Montreal, Quebec and now they are being released with this new single with a Canadian label, proving once again that music has no borders.
Check out the YouTube for Knock Knock here:
They call their music Crockpop (Country/Rock/Pop).

Bara Jonson and Free have performed on the many live stages in Europe from showcase festivals in Sweden, to touring in Canada and also appearing at the prestigious MIDEM festival in Cannes, France 2019, on a featured Showcase stage. That year also garnered them a featured showcase appearance at Indie Week in Toronto, Canada at which they were nominated as ‘Best Emerging Artist – International’ at Indie Week Showcase Festival in Toronto, Canada (2019), then selected and announced INES#Talent 2020-21.
In 2023 Bara Jonson and Free performed on the Canadian Stage at Spike Festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and on the Uline Warehouse stage at the world’s biggest music festival, Summerfest in Milwaukee, USA. They have also toured Denmark, Holland, Germany, and the UK.
A collaboration with professional dance troupe, Cirque Arte Diem, resulted in the creation of a new hybrid music festival ‘Lilla By Festivalen’ in their hometown of Rinkaby, Sweden. The festival focuses on local acts as well as international artists. Now in it’s 4th year, it has grown to be able to invite legendary music industry icons to appear on panels. In addition, BjF has added a secondary festival, Kristianstad Music Days, now in production for the second year.
Bara Jonson and Free are now licensed by the Canadian-based, global label, Dance Plant Records, distributed by Sony/ The Orchard.
Listen on Spotify here: Spotify – Search
A testimony to the lyrics of one of their earlier songs, Bara Jonson and Free are living proof that the “Sky is the Limit”.