Discover Vancouver-Based RnB Powerhouse Tissa Rahim “Before Someone Else Does”

Fri May 26, 2023

Vancouver musician Tissa Rahim has released her latest track, “Before Someone Else Does,”, bringing the Persian Powerhouse to the forefront of the Soul/RnB scene. It’s a mild departure from Rahim’s typical RnB sound, but she maintains her powerhouse vocals and emotional performance while explaining to her theoretical partner that he’s had his final warning.

“Ain’t asking for too much need to measure up
Or this love won’t feel like love
Try a little harder baby
Before someone else does”

“Before Someone Else Does” marks the first release in the collaboration between Rahim and Alvin Brendan, who began writing together during the pandemic. Like other musicians around the world, the two had trouble finding opportunities to perform together, so they turned to an alternate outlet for their creativity. Check it out on YouTube here:

Vancouver's Persian Powerhouse Tissa Rahim Debuts Soulful Acoustic Retelling of Heartbreak In "Done, Done, Done"

Fri Jan 27, 2023

Powerful vocals accompanied by heartfelt acoustic expressions are what make Vancouver’s Tissa Rahim’s newest single, “Done, Done, Done” such a gem.

Check it out on Spotify here:

Tissa’s emotional dumping about a one-way relationship comes off as an authentic and empowering anthem as a slew of seasoned musicians paint the canvas for a soulful retelling.

Featuring Berlin’s own Dominique Fricot, Tissa and Dominique approach the idea of processing heartbreak and manipulation, bringing each respective artist’s own experiences into the studio as they produced this smashing retro-soul single. Tissa’s vocals on “Done, Done, Done” can be affectionately compared to the love child of Amy Winehouse and Corrine Bailey Rae’s stylizations.